5 Reasons Why You Need To Choose Private Charter Flights Over Commercial Flights

5 Reasons Why You Need To Choose Private Charter Flights Over Commercial Flights

With a rising number of complaints against commercial airlines over the years, private charter flights are growing in popularity, and for good reason. 

Even people who used to dismiss the idea of flying privately as nothing but unnecessary extravaganza now realize the necessity of doing so, given the need for social distancing to minimize the risk of contracting the coronavirus.

Besides the safety factor, comfort and timeliness are also things that working professionals need to consider when choosing how to fly.

Private charter aircraft intend to give you the most luxurious experience while getting you to your destination. Read on to find out 5 ways in which they outperform commercial airlines to give you the best value for your money.

Save Your Time

Whether you are traveling for work or pleasure, wasting time is never ideal. Commercial flights have nowadays become almost synonymous with the word “delayed”. 

Whether it is because of a late departure or technical issues, a delay is a given if you decide to fly commercially. And this isn’t even counting the huge number of passengers for whom you’ll have to stand in line for everything. Even if you book business class tickets, there are bound to be others who have done the same.

If you are a business executive, you know how true the saying “time is money” is. Standing in long security lines that do not seem to move, tolerating delays in departures, cancellations, waiting for baggage - all these are nothing but a waste of your valuable time. In addition to all this, you also have to deal with multiple calls per hour, keep on top of what’s going on with your projects and teams, and much, much more. It is no exaggeration to say that you simply don’t have time for the endless nuisance associated with commercial flights. 

If you are working in the medical field and need emergency transportation, you cannot afford any delay. There’s no time to wait an hour for your luggage before realizing that the commercial airline has actually misplaced it and sent someone else home with your belongings.

Perhaps you work in the mining and natural resources industry, as have Travair’s founders Paul Cohalan and Daniel Houghton in the past for over a decade. Flying commercially means you have to get off at the airport and arrange transportation for a long way down to your remote mining sites. That adds more time spent traveling to your already packed schedule.

We at Travair understand just how precious your time is. For this reason, Travair always endeavors to give our valuable clients a flight without any stress or delays.

Ensure Privacy And Safety Wherever You Go

In this day and age, “privacy” has become almost an extinct concept. There is always someone or the other with a camera pointing at you or trying to get a good look at what you are doing.

If you are someone in the public eye, you know how annoying and intrusive all this feels. You cannot seem to lift a finger without someone taking a picture of it and putting it all over social media. But that is a price you convinced yourself to pay whenever you have had to fly over the years.

Well, no more. Taking a private charter flight is an incredible way to fly incognito. Whether you are a government official who needs to reach somewhere without that going all over the national news, or a business executive who needs to make it to a meeting without people going nuts over the hint of a possible merger, you can be assured that private charter flights are your best option.

The baggage of private charter passengers is usually handled by a few professional staff who remain discreet. This also means no lost luggage and definitely, no waiting for your bags to arrive like you have to with almost every commercial airline - especially the major, crowded ones.

Having utmost privacy also means that you can work while you fly. There will be no one craning their necks to sneak a peek at your laptop screen. You do not have to worry about any inside information getting out just because you had to take a flight with a bunch of nosy neighbors. 

Only a few people besides yourself are allowed on private charter flights. With a commercial flight, you never know who is going to get the seat beside you. But when you charter private air, you have control over who gets to fly with you. This means that there will be no crying babies or angry people shouting at their babysitter on their phones and giving you a headache.

Last but not the least, commercial airplanes tend to be very old. It is, therefore, no wonder that they often break down frequently. However, when you rent a private aircraft, you can request all its details prior to booking. You can check when it has been manufactured and serviced last. Thereby, you have the power to choose your own aircraft.  

At Travair, we take ensuring your privacy and safety 100% seriously. All our staff comprises trained professionals who take making the clients feel safe their top priority.

No Compromises When It Comes to Your Comfort

When you have to fly for hours, even a little comfort can go a long way. Sadly, when boarding a commercial airplane, you are stuck to the one seat that comes with your ticket. Even if that seat bends and reclines, it is still that - just one little seat that you need to learn to get comfortable with or silently suffer. 

More legroom is a given in private charter flights. No more leg cramps because you have had to resist stretching your legs in order to avoid hitting the seat in front. 

When you charter a private aircraft, you have a lot more comfort ensured. You can either sit on the couch or on the bed - whichever you like. Comfortable seating is a basic amenity for private charter flights.

Flexibility Is A Given

Just like your physical comfort, flexibility is another perk you get with private charter flights. At Travair, we understand that our clients have extremely busy lives. Timings change, meetings get postponed, other work comes up. You can usually make changes to the schedule if you have booked a private charter flight.

You do not have to worry about airline cancellations either. Having to cancel or postpone meetings because the flight got postponed or canceled last minute is a huge hassle faced by working professionals who use commercial airlines. At a time when you’re already occupied with innumerable workload, you don’t need more trouble with rescheduling meetings and other commitments.

Since you have booked a private charter flight, food, temperature, and other facilities are all up to you. Even though the food might not be your biggest concern when flying, you still would not want to have to eat horrible food. And the quality of food on commercial flights seems to be getting increasingly bad day by day. Even though people put up with it, who likes being forced to dry, bland sandwiches?

With private charter flights, you can actually choose your food. You can request your favourite dish, cuisine, or even food from your favourite restaurant. If you are traveling for pleasure with a group of friends, you can ask for a cuisine from your destination, too!

Last but not the least, you can bring your furry friends on board! Commercial lines usually keep them on cargo hold, but not private charter flights like Travair, who understand how precious they are. You will have to provide some documents, but it is really no hassle considering the fact that your beloved pets can be there flying right next to you!

This means that, whether you’re flying for business or for pleasure, you don’t have to worry about leaving your pets alone anymore. When they are on a private charter aircraft, flying in the comfort of your presence, both you and your four-legged pal will feel an unparalleled joy.

Hence, when it comes to private aircraft charter, flexibility and comfort are not things you have to be concerned about. If you are traveling with a client whom you would like to impress, private charter flights are your best option.

You Do Not Have to Worry About Baggage

On private charter airplanes, the only things that restrict the luggage weight are the capacity of the aircraft and the payload. You can even carry some of your valuable possessions right in the cabin with you.

You also do not have to worry about your baggage passing a hundred different hands. These baggages are handled by only a few people. And those few staff members are professionals who will ensure utmost privacy and safety for your belongings. Say goodbye to any worry about whether the aircraft will carry your Chanel perfume in one piece.

Lastly, if you need to transport any fragile substances, you can rely on private charter aircraft services like that offered by Travair. Whether you need to carry batteries or hazardous waste products, Travair can fulfill your requirements and transport your goods safely to its destination safe and sound.

Avoid Crowds

Who likes crowds? Not us, and we know that you don’t, as well. And in today’s world afflicted by a pandemic, wanting to avoid crowds is not just a personal preference anymore. It is now a necessary safety precaution.

However, commercial airlines are nothing, if not crowded. Avoiding a gathering of people or staying at least six feet away is quite impossible on commercial flights. 

The case is the opposite for private charter airlines. Since you control who gets on the aircraft you rented, you can restrict the number of people flying with you. You don’t even have to sit near another passenger, depending on how many people you’re flying with. Hence, you can comfortably fly to your destination without having to risk your life for attending a meeting.

Moreover, private aircraft use terminals away from the crowded parts of the airport. Such terminals are usually less congested, and so, any risk of spread of the coronavirus is also minimized. Sometimes, you can even have your car driven right up to the aircraft and avoid the need to enter a terminal altogether.

Furthermore, commercial planes are restricted to fly on the route networks of their airlines. Private aircraft do not have such restrictions. They can access smaller airports that are more remote, and hence much less congested. 

These smaller airports are also often closer to city centres. Hence, chances are you can fly closer to your destination on a private charter aircraft than you would if you chose a commercial airline.

Such smaller aircraft are also closer to remote locations. If you are in the mining and resources industry, chances are that the mining sites you need to visit are in some remote, closed-off area that commercial airplanes never fly to. A private charter aircraft is your go-to option for such cases.

Even going through customs will not require you to waddle through a crowd of sweaty strangers. Border agents typically either accompany the passengers of a private plane into a separate private office or enter the plane themselves to check the documents.

Thus, private charter airplanes are the safest way to fulfill your commitments without having to risk your life and suffer through a crowd in this pandemic-stricken world.

Travair Understands

Travair understands your concerns about flying. This is why we strive for a smooth experience from the moment a client books our services till the client steps onto the desired destination. 

Providing you with a seamless, luxurious experience is Travair’s topmost priority. Delays, lost luggage, cancellations, privacy, discomfort, crowds - these are not things we want our clients to worry about. We make sure that you never have to encounter such problems. It is Travair’s aim to provide you with all the luxuries an airline can provide, and more. 

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